Parker’s PH Series, THM-1000 Analyzer is an easy to operate, integrated Purge-and-Trap Gas Chromatograph (GC) that measures Trihalomethane (THM) concentration at ppb levels in less than 30 minutes right at your own facility without tedious sample preparation. This integrated system is a powerful tool that can help operators optimize water treatment at the plant and evaluate water age in the distribution system for improved control over the formation of THMs.

Simply collect a sample and connect it to the analyzer sparging system. Then push the start button to begin the measurement cycle. Individual and total THM information is displayed clearly on the analyzer touchscreen and laptop display. Analytical results, including measured concentration and detailed chromatography data are automatically archived for future review. The data may also be transferred to other software packages for more detailed trending analysis of THM information.


  • Local Water Plants
  • Universities
  • Beverage Plants
  • Research


  • 30-minute analysis eliminates expensive and time-consuming off-site analysis for process control
  • Integrated Purge-and-Trap means that no sample preparation required
  • Rapid operator feedback allows for immediate process adjustment capability
  • Push-button simplicity provides fast and easy operation; all-in-one sample sparging component separation, and data analysis
  • Dedicated instrument helps ensure the safety of public drinking water


  • Regulatory Compliance- Drinking Water
  • Optimal Water Quality and Water age
  • Activated resin and filter optimization (GAC, PAC, etc)
  • Aeration system and Chemical feed optimization
  • Flushing program, distribution system, and storage optimization
