
Binder is a leading supplier of circular connectors worldwide.

Being solution and application oriented differentiates us from our competitors and contributes to progress in future industries. Under the motto ‘challenge and foster’, binder sets the standards for employee development. Our actions are defined by the careful use of resources. Further development is based on an international orientation.


It is not enough to do your best. You must know what to do and then do your best. (W. Edwards Deming)

The Philosophy of Binder is based on the following principles:

  • We want to develop continuously in order to meet the demands of the market and of our customers.
  • We set for ourselves measurable, realistic targets and cultivate traditional values. Our clear vision gives us orientation. We always focus on our vision.
  • We are an owner-operated company. A thoughtful and solid corporate policy secures our sustainability.
  • Our management culture is based on jointly developed and stipulated targets.
  • We pursue these targets continuously.
  • An open and honest communication determines our daily activities.


Open and honest

  • We listen to others.
  • We are objective and straightforward in our discussions.


  • We react promptly to discrepancies.
  • We only involve the necessary participants when it comes to clarifying issues.
  • Discrepancies are discussed in face-to-face meetings.


  • Interdepartmental meetings


  • We define the problem clearly.
  • We describe the objective in a way that’s understandable and comprehensible.
  • We think in alternative solutions. We define responsibilities.


  • We present our decisions to the outside world with one voice.
  • We support each other.

Creating value

  • Treating others with respect.
  • Mutual acceptance.
  • Communicating with others on an equal basis.

    Contact Us

    Contact us or give us a call to discover how we can help you with our services, products and company partners.
