
About US

Kami Group has 1200 employees globally with Annual Sales of over 8000 million Yen (about US$ 86mil). Kami Electronics boasts of over 250 satisfied customers.

Corporate Philosophy
Kami’s primary mission is to innovate, manufacture and distribute the highest quality of electronics components suited to global electronics industry need.

Management Policy
Our principal goal is to achieve the highest levels of customer satisfaction

Quality Control
Our basic philosophy is one of continuous improvement in the quality of products and to contribute greatly toward the advancement of the electronics industry, supported by advanced technological expertise and sprit of innovation and ingenuity. Kami’s commitment toward Quality Control is evidenced by our various certifications.

Talent Management
We have placed the highest priority on the development of human resources – our company’s talent!.

Certification and others

All of manufacturing facilities were certified ISO 14001, and all of manufacturing facilities (not Nabari Facility) were certified ISO 9001.
We are testing and analyzing all of material we use at Nabari and Chinese facility to comply with RoHS.
All of factories have been changed to be a lead free solder facility.


UL 1411 UL60065 UL 1446 UL 60950
Japanese Electronics Safety Regulation PSE

    Contact Us

    Contact us or give us a call to discover how we can help you with our services, products and company partners.
