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Company Overview

PAIRUI GROUP is a vertically integrated company focused on designing and manufacturing of power supplies. The group has from power supply manufacturers, through upstream manufacturers of transformers, inductors, magnetic cores and plastic parts, all under the same ownership. Most important benefits from integration include cost reduction and flexibilities. As a result, PAIRUI is able to offer power supply products with very competitive price, and design unique products to fit the most demanding needs. For more than 30 years cultivated in this industry, PAIRUI’s goal is to be your trusted power partner. Let PAIRUI show you the convenience and ease of using power supplies – Powerfully Easy – PAIRUI.


At PAIRUI, our primary MISSION is to be a leader in providing creative, flexible and cost effective power solutions for our customer partners through a team of dedicated, trustworthy professionals.

We accomplish this through:

  • Assisting in the development of international businesses through an understanding of how PAIRUI can play a part in their strategic plans.
  • Being a compliment to and extension of our customer partner’s strategic development initiatives and teams.
  • Developing plans that reduce COGS and support revenue growth, e.g. we acquire competitive upstream manufactures.


In going about our business on a daily basis, we are guided by the following principles:

  • Flexibility (ease of doing business) – English speaking staff within all functional areas of the business; Knowledgeable of needs and expectations of Western companies; flexible in response to customer partner requirements.
  • Loyalty – Long term, win-win relationships and partnerships with customers, suppliers, investors and employees
  • Quality – In our communications with each other, our customers and suppliers; in all of the products and services we provide; and in our commitment to continuous improvement in all that we say and do.
  • Trustworthy – An open book approach to doing business – no hidden agendas; we clearly state our commitments and strive to meet them; and we freely admit our shortcomings and correct them in a timely manner.
  • Financially Sound – We earn a fair profit; grow and invest in the business based on retained earnings; and generate a return for all of our shareholders while providing a desirable place to work for our employees.

    Contact Us

    Contact us or give us a call to discover how we can help you with our services, products and company partners.
