Western Automation

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Experts in RCD Technology
Western Automation Research & Development provides products and technologies for protection against electric shock and electrical faults for AC and DC installations, photovoltaic (PV) systems, Electric Vehicle (EV) charging, and much more.

We achieve this by detecting dangerous AC and DC residual, leakage and earth fault currents in accordance with IEC, Cenelec and UL standards. Our technology is covered by world-wide patents. These products are generally referred to as Residual Current Devices (RCDs) in most of the world. In North America these products are generally referred to as Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs).

The company was established in 1985 as an independent designer and developer of technologies for RCDs and secured its first patent less than 12 months after inception. Manufacturing began shortly after this and the company grew from strength to strength predominately operating in Ireland, the UK, Germany, France and Australia.

In the early 1990’s the company set up a dedicated Design Centre and recruited additional highly skilled design engineers. This resulted in a significant increase in R&D capability and enabled the company to develop new technologies such as DC Fault Current Sensing, Self Testing and End Of Life Indication and much more. The R&D effort has also been focused on assisting clients with very specific technical problems or technical requirements. As a result of the above, we are proud to state the following:
There are over 50 million products worldwide with Western Automation RCD technology inside.

Today, Western Automation continues to work with OEMs across the globe and is highly regarded as an expert in RCD technology.

    Contact Us

    Contact us or give us a call to discover how we can help you with our services, products and company partners.
