1. Descriptions of RF Transmitter IC CMT2119AW:

The CMT2119AW is a high performance, highly flexible, low-cost, single-chip (G)FSK/OOK RF transmitter IC for various 240 to 960 MHz wireless applications. It is a part of the CMOSTEK NextGenRFTM family, which includes a complete line of transmitters, receivers and transceivers. The CMT2119AW provides the simplest way to control the data transmission.

The transmission is started when an effective level turnover is detected on the DATA pin, while the transmission action will stop after the DATA pin holding level low for a defined time window. The chip features can be registers through the 2-wire interface, or programming the embedded EEPROM with CMOSTEK USB Programmer of 1.8 V to 3.6 V, consumes 27.6 mA (FSK @ 868.35 MHz) when transmitting +10 dBm output power, and only leak 20 nA when it is in sleep state. The CMT2119AW transmitter together with the CMT2219A receiver enables a robust RF link.

2. Features of RF Transmitter IC CMT2119AW:

● Optional Configuration Schemes
– On-Line Registers Writing
– Off-Line EEPROM Programming
● Frequency Range: 240 to 960 MHz
● Support OOK, FSK and GFSK Demodulation
– 0.5 to 100 ksps (FSK/GFSK)
– 0.5 to 30 ksps (OOK)
● Deviation: 1.0 to 200 kHz
● 1-wire Interface for Transmission Control
● 2-wire Interface for Registers Accessing and EEPROM Programming
● Output Power: -10 to +13 dBm
● Supply Voltage: 1.8 to 3.6 V
● Supply Sleep Current: < 20 nA
● FCC/ETSI Compliant
● RoHS Compliant
● 6-pin SOT23-6 Package

3. Applications of RF Transmitter IC CMT2119AW:

● Low-Cost Consumer Electronics Applications
● Home and Building Automation
● Remote Fan Controllers
● Infrared Transmitter Replacements
● Industrial Monitoring and Controls
● Remote Lighting Control
● Remote Automated Meter Reading
● Wireless Alarm and Security Systems
● Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
