Spectran V6 Command Center

Fastest Counter-surveillance Receiver in the World

  • Up to 980MHz Real-Time bandwidth
  • Sweep speed > 4 THz/s
  • POI below 10ns
  • Unlimited recording time (needs 1GB / min.)
  • Up to 18TB recording storage
  • I/Q vector signal generator bandwidth of up to 480 MHz
  • Patented polyphase filter technology
  • Patented spectrum analysis (modulated LO)
  • First analyzer with ultra fast LO sweeps (μS DDS sweep)
  • Very powerful, but still mobile
  • Two 4K widescreen displays with a combined resolution of 3840 x 4320
  • Includes 3D Real-Time Spectrum monitoring and recording Software „RTSA-Suite PRO“ (gapless streaming and playback)
