About US


At Hyb, we are a globally-focused company with a tradition of success going back to 1972. With our rich experience and an innovative approach, we seek ways to satisfy our customers, and we reach our objectives through fast translation of advanced technologies into new-generation products.

We also present our innovative solutions to the general public, thus wishing to contribute to the promotion of innovation in Slovenia. As winners of numerous awards, we are among the most innovative Slovenian companies. We have been the recipients of three national-level awards of the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia for the best innovations, which denote the highest recognition of innovative achievements of Slovenian companies.


Hyb’s basic aim is to provide products of the highest quality. The satisfaction of our customers is the measure of our success, so we plan, implement, and verify quality. Being aware that meeting our client’s needs and delivering faultless products requires employees to be motivated, we take care of their development and competence. For the purposes of quality, we encourage innovation and excellence as well as environmental care.

The undertaking of the HYB organisation / employees to meet the requirements and maintain the efficiency of quality management is cited in the company’s quality management policy.

The company’s operation has been aligned with the ISO 9001, ISO 13485, and ISO 14001 quality standards as well as medical regulation requirements.

    Contact Us

    Contact us or give us a call to discover how we can help you with our services, products and company partners.
