PWB-BC3G-38-RSMAP | 2G/3G/4G/5G Terminal Paddle Antenna

The PWB-BC3G-38-RSMAP antenna is a ground plane independent antenna covering global 2G/3G/4G and 3.4-3.8GHz 5G frequecies from 698-960/1710- 2170 /2500-2700/ 3400-3800MHz

Designed for terminals and routers the PWB-BC3G-38-RSMAP offers an articulated SMA connector for flexible positioning and a sleek profile for low visual impact.

Product Variants

Part Number Frequency Range (MHz)
PWB-BC3G-38-RSMAP 698-960/1710-2170/2396-2700/3400-3800


Electrical Data
LTE Frequencies 698-960/1710-3800MHz
Typical VSWR <3:1
Peak Gain (dBi) 2
Max Input Power (W) 10
Pattern Omni-directional
Mechanical Data
Available Colours Black; White
Length (mm) 163 (6.4”)
Width (mm) 22 (0.8”)
Height (mm) 7 (0.27”)
Operating Temperature -40 / + 80°C
Mounting Data
Mounting Type Articulated Hinge
Mounting Method SMA Plug

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