8 x 1 and 8 x 2

Features / Options

  • Reliable user-interface display
  • Low power consumption
  • Very long operational life
  • Custom sizes available

Applications / Uses

  • Communications equipment
  • Industrial controls
  • Life safety equipment
  • Medical equipment
  • Meter displays
  • Security electronics
  • Test and measurement

The naming rule of InfoVue LCDs is:

  • Operating Temperature
    • S = Standard ( 0˚ C to 50˚ C )
    • H = High Temp ( -20˚ C to +70˚ C )
  • Model Number (for alphaCharacter and Character)
    • For Dot Matrix & Graphic Model
      • 01602 = 16 character x 2 lines
      • 12864 = 128 columns x 64 rows
    • For AlphaCharacter & Character
      • 401C40 = 4 character x 1 line, 0.40″
      • 4x1C45 = 4.5 character x 1 line, 0.45″; x – represents 1/2 column
  • Display Type
    • D = Dot Matrix
    • G = Graphic
    • M = Custom
  • Fluid Type
    • T = Twisted Nematic (TN), 5V
    • S = Super Twisted Nematic (STN), 5V
    • W = Flim Compensated (FSTN), 5V
    • K = Twisted Nematic (TN), 3V
    • L = Super Twisted Nematic (STN), 3V
    • F = Flim Compensated (FSTN), 3V
  • Polarizer Mode
    • R = Reflective
    • F = Transreflective
    • M = Transmissive
    • **** Additional part number sequence for nondefault setting
  • Display Mode
    • Default = Positive image (no letter, or if more description follows, use “-“)
    • N = Negative image
  • Viewing Direction
    • Default = 6 O’Clock (no number)
    • 1 = 12 O’Clock
