CP Series – Highly Integrated Dual Sensor Solution


  • Highly integrated dual sensors with ADC and DSP
  • Combines differential and gage sensors in 1 device
  • 4 differential pressure ranges per device (±250 Pa to ±2.5 kPa)
  • 4 gage pressure ranges per device (±2 kPa to ±6 kPa)
  • Selectable bandwidth filter from 25Hz to 250Hz
  • Ultra low noise, 17.5 bit effective resolution
  • Very high accuracy ±0.05% of selected range
  • Long term stability ±0.1% of FSS in first year
  • Available in 3-port and 4-port configurations
  • Output update rate up to 500Hz
  • Advanced digital filtering (optional)
  • Integrated closed loop control (optional)
  • Temperature compensated from 5°C to 50°C
  • Supply voltage compensation
  • Fully integrated compensation math
  • Standard I2C and SPI interfaces
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